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Islam has no relation with shrine attackers: Farhad Mazhar

Poet, writer, and philosopher Farhad Mazhar yesterday said Islam has no relation with the perpetrators who are carrying out attacks on shrines as Muslim clerics of this country do not support vandalism.
“Those who are attacking shrines and temples should be identified … If anyone tries to make Islam a subject of controversy, people will put up resistance against them,” he told a mass resistance march against attacks on shrines in front of High Court Mazar in the city.
Mentioning that students of the country have broken the wall of discrimination, he said, “This trend should continue … A new constitution should be formulated for the sake of the country.”
Urging all to be united under the leadership of youths against fascism, Farhad Majhar said, “Fight against fascism has not finished yet. So, we will have to remain alert.
“A vested quarter is trying to oust the incumbent government. If any evil force tries to thwart the government, the mass people and students will resist them.”
Ganosamhati Andolon Chief Coordinator Zonayed Saki, journalist Salah Uddin Shuvro, writer Ehsan Mahmood, and artists Amal Akash, Bithi Ghosh, and Oruf Rahi, among others, spoke at the event.
Saki said, “A group of people is intentionally attacking shrines and important state installations. It is not good for religion or the state. We should be united against the attackers.
“A new journey has started in the country through the uprising of our students. Everyone will live freely in the country. This is the right of everyone.
“I want to see a new beginning from the incumbent government where there will be no discrimination,” he added.
At the protest rally, the speakers also demanded stern actions against the people attacking shrines and temples across the country, financial assistance for injured people and the families of people killed while trying to prevent attacks, and measures to protect temples and shrines in the future.
Later, they submitted a memorandum to the home adviser to this effect.
